Independent Small Animal Practice in Grays, Essex
Complaints Policy
Informal Feedback
If you would like to provide feedback or have a problem that needs resolving, but feel that a formal investigation by our manager is not necessary, we invite you to make contact with a member of our team directly at the practice. If the matter is something that they cannot resolve themselves they will pass it onto an appropriate person within the practice.
When receiving informal feedback in this manner, we will:
Always thank you for the feedback, and make a record of it so that we can use it for training and monitoring purposes.
Work to resolve the matter fairly, and be transparent and clear in our communication.
Provide details of how to submit a formal complaint if appropriate.
Formal Complaints
If you have a concern that you feel requires a more detailed investigation and response from us, we ask that you do the following:
Put your complaint in writing (this can be an email or letter) and send it to info@riversidevetsgrays.co.uk or Riverside Veterinary Surgery, 23 Southend Road, Grays, Essex, RM17 5NH.
Please provide as much detail as possible regarding the complaint, including;
Your name and contact details.
Your pet’s name.
The nature of the complaint, in a clear and concise manner.
What you would like to happen to resolve the complaint.
Once we receive your formal complaint, we will:
Provide written acknowledgment within three working days.
Review your complaint and ask for any further information that we think may be helpful.
Conduct an investigation into the issues raised within the complaint. This will involve speaking to the relevant members of staff and may require us to review any CCTV and phone records.
Consider your complaint in light of any information obtained during our investigation and provide you with a written response within 14 working days of receiving your complaint. In some cases, involving a substitutional investigation, or owing to colleague absence it may not be possible to complete our investigations within this period, but we will always keep you informed when this is expected.
Strive to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction.